Thursday, June 9, 2011

New Definitions:

Today I shopped for clothes.

I did it because I play in church a lot, now, and I've been repeatedly frustrated by how few of my dressy things fit me right now. After wearing jeans--the same pair--to church for 4 weeks in a row, I decided to take some money out of my "piano savings" and buy some clothes that fit.

After an HOUR of trying on size 8s......which is the biggest size I've ever fit into (right after having Violet)......I thought to myself, "Man, they don't make sizes like they used to. " 

Yeah, I was that naive.

I put them all back, and, against my will, I picked up a pair of pants that said this:

I shuddered, and put them on.

They  F I T.

And that is why I have been pretty depressed today.

I know it won't last, though. I'm training for my first-ever race, a 10K (which is 6.2 miles), and my cross-fit work-outs are easier than ever. It just is be maxing out like this. I keep having to explain to Violet what "fat" is...and how I got it......and that that is the reason she may not eat an entire baguette from Panera's. :D

1 comment:

  1. LOL...I'm laughing about the Panera comment -- especially when I think about how Evie's been eating lately! She eats almost as much as me now - ridiculous! But, seriously, I can not believe you're wearing a 10 - or even an 8. You seemed at Christmas like you'd lost most of the baby fat already then! Don't worry about it too much - when the nursing is all done, the diet goes back to "normal" and when the kids are more independent the activity level goes back to "normal". You're gonna be fine:) Love you all!
