Monday, December 12, 2011

What's Up?

Guess what?

We're moving again.

The new house isn't done, but we're tired of paying $1000 a month in rent every time our builder has a delay. Sweet friends offered their 2 spare bedrooms to us during the weeks of waiting, so we're outta December 31st. We hope to be settled into their home (with our suitcases) and our stuff in storage by Christmas. :) They are conveniently located about 1 mile from our new property and building site. It will be very easy to maintain a watchful eye on the progress from their home. We are grateful!

So, that's why I haven't blogged in a while! We're drawing out the packing quite a bit, so that our family life doesn't suffer too much. Violet still manages to get a homeschool day in there once in a while. What does suffer is my health (I stress-eat) and Ben's and my Quality Time. I am 10 pounds over my "target weight" and we haven't had a date in over a month. :( I know it will pass, though. It will pass.

Ben is now on Single Duty......with State Farm! He's just on-call with the Army, and spends his time studying to take the tests involved in becoming an insurance agent with the state of Washington and State Farm as a company. There's lots of planning meetings with his new boss and lots of hours spent stowed away in his bedroom studying. In between, he takes loads of moving boxes over to the storage unit in Lacey, and keeps an eye on the building over on Carpenter Rd.

This weeks find us amongst lots of boxes being packed, lots of bare walls, lots of packing paper mess around the house, and occasional trips to the coffee shop to de-stress. I miss making visits to friends to chat and play-dates with their kids. I miss Christmas decorating and planning parties  :( It's only temporary, though. It will will pass!

We will be spending Christmas Day with our pastor's family. They graciously invited us.....since we will be missing family around this holiday, they are our "adopted family." :) We hope to actually make it over there. Right now, there's no telling what insane projects we'll be in the middle of at the house during that time. It's hard to predict anything when it comes to building a house!!

THings are looking good at the studio...I love imagining my double doors leading to the pair of sign outside in the yard, boasting "Suzuki Piano Studio"....and "registered teacher" to the community. I've had plenty of calls and emails from the website:, and can't wait to share with the Washington Home School organization, too. Lots of potential there!

God is good. We've had an amazingly dry winter so far. The sun has shone MIRACULOUSLY for 14 days in a row, now, with one afternoon/evening of rain since Thanksgiving! Amazing. And it's good for my mood, as well as our building!

More later.


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